Treatment services: all our treatment programs are tailor-made for each individual patient.

Adult addiction treatment program, five-step based:

Step 1: First patient’s interview

Patient is first received in a private setting for discussion and case assessment in total confidentiality. This initial on-site assessment helps in making the diagnosis, determining the necessary intensity of treatment services and level of care based on current symptoms and conditions.

Step 2: Clinical Assessment

Following, an additional assessment is made separately by evaluating medical history, physical and psychological state together with the patient’s first interview findings.

Step 3: Tailored Program

A tailored program is created according to the patient’s specific needs. It’s a research-based treatment program optimised by considering lifestyle aspects, improvement from dissatisfaction-lack of gratification-anger management to eating habits and fitness. It indicates approximately how long the program will last, the pace at which it will be going, possible professional figures collaborating (toxicologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, dietician, etc.) and adding to the individual addiction treatment counselling.

Step 4: Second patient’s interview

Essential for discussing the tailor-made program prepared, making modifications according to the patient’s input and preferences and finalising the treatment according to the patient’s experience. All to be performed in a calm, serene and patient-friendly atmosphere.

Step 5: Follow up

After the completion of the program, a free-of-charge annual meeting/s will be offered with no time limit (depending on the case) to maintain the program success and prevent recurrence or relapse that is highly expected in addiction.

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